
So the wait is over.... or is it?

America has voted... and the American Idol, I mean President, is Barack Obama!

The following are just some random thoughts that have crossed my mind throughout the day.

At work, I witnessed people expressing this sense of relief and "joy". On the other hand, there were others that were just simply in disbelief. Right now, I can say that my heart is heavy with these election results. Yet, I also realize that my hope and trust is not in man but in Christ.

What really saddens me is not the fact that the vast majority voted for Obama. Rather, that Christians (meaning followers of Christ) voted in such an irresponsible way. From what I have researched (and I don't mean watching CNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS, etc...), I never saw Obama's "christian" beliefs and convictions lining up with scripture. How could he justify abortion when the Bible teaches that God abhors such evil. When has the environment ever superceded the sanctity of life? Now do not mistake what I am saying. I am not saying that Christians should not care about the environment, because I believe Scripture teaches that.

I can't even begin to describe how many "professing" Christians actually support same-sex marriage. Have these people forgotten why God judged such nations as Sodom and Gomorrah? I recently read someone write on another blog that "you don't have to be gay to support gay rights. Just like you don't have to be Black to vote for a Black presidential candidate" referring to California voting for Obama while voting to ban same-sex marriages at the same time. May I add that the connection this person makes is simply incorrect. When talking about homosexual relationships one is dealing with the issue of immorality or morals. A person's race or ethnicity does not deal with morals. In other words, if someone enters into a homosexual relationship it is sin. Being Cuban, White, Black, Hispanic, etc... is not sin before God. Please do not misconstrue my words. I am not trying nor implying that one should bash homosexuals. You see, as a believer, I love the sinner but hate the sin. That fact that one calls out the sin, whether it be homosexuality, drunkenness, pride, drug use, adultery, etc... does not mean one is bashing the person as well. To God, sin separates us from Him. Homosexuality is not any worse than the actions mentioned above.

G.K. Chesterton said it best when he said, "Art like morality consists of drawing the line somewhere"

The question inevitably comes down to, are we going to love the things that God loves and hate the things that God hates?

Where and when are we going to draw the line?

I close with two quotes, both by John Piper. The first is from an article called "Let Christians Vote as if They Were Not Voting"

Let those who mourn [do so] as though they were not mourning.”

Christians mourn with real, deep, painful mourning, especially over losses—loss of those we love, loss of health, loss of a dream. These losses hurt. We cry when we are hurt. But we cry as though not crying. We mourn knowing we have not lost something so valuable we cannot rejoice in our mourning. Our losses do not incapacitate us. They do not blind us to the possibility of a fruitful future serving Christ. The Lord gives and takes away. But he remains blessed. And we remain hopeful in our mourning.

So it is with voting. There are losses. We mourn. But not as those who have no hope. We vote and we lose, or we vote and we win. In either case, we win or lose as if we were not winning or losing. Our expectations and frustrations are modest. The best this world can offer is short and small. The worst it can offer has been predicted in the book of Revelation. And no vote will hold it back. In the short run, Christians lose (Revelation 13:7). In the long run, we win (Revelation 21:4)."

The last quote is John Piper's prayer the day before the election:

"Father in heaven, as we approach this election on Tuesday, I pray

1) that your people will vote,

2) and that they will vote with a sense of thankfulness for a democratic system that at least partially holds in check the folly and evil in all our hearts so that power which corrupts so readily is not given to one group or person too easily;

3) that we would know and live the meaning of

  • being in the world, but not of it,
  • doing politics as though not doing them,
  • being on the earth, yet having our lives hidden with Christ in God,
  • rendering to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God’s;

4) that we would discern what truths and values should advance by being made law and which should advance only by the leavening of honest influence;

5) that your people would see what love and justice and far-seeing wisdom demand in regard to the issues of education, business and industry, health care, marriage and family, abortion, welfare, energy, government and taxes, military, terrorism, international relations, and every challenge that we will face in the years to come;

6) and above all, that we will treasure Jesus Christ, and tell everyone of his sovereignty and supremacy over all nations, and that long after America is a footnote to the future world, he will reign with his people from every tribe and tongue and nation.

Keep us faithful to Christ’s all important Word, and may we turn to it every day for light in these dark times.

In Jesus’ name,


Be encouraged during this time. May we be servants that are ready to give an answer as to the hope that we have in Christ. May we speak of our Lord's good name and redemptive message, so that He may reap a harvest through His children. I encourage all Christians to pray for Obama and as always that our Lord's will would be done here on earth as it is in heaven. The wait isn't over as we wait in joyful hope for our Lord's return.


Remy said...

Hi Freddy,

Thank you for your post. I think it was very timely. I'm glad that you've expressed your thoughts and comments. Some of them I know are not very popular in the day and age in which we live, but as a follower of Christ I support you.

Reaching an unbelieving world with the message of Christ should be one of our major priorities. I think that means being real with ourselves about the strictness of the teachings of Christ, and simultaneously embrace that suffering passion with which He reached out to us. That speaks a lot about the infinite mercy and grace of God, as well as the value that He has bestowed on mankind upon its creation.

Our goal as Christians doesn't change despite how history continues. Nevertheless, mankind is part of that history and we must learn, as A.W. Tozer wrote, that the message of the gospel is both timely and timeless.

With a new president comes a new set of ideals, beliefs, and challenges that we as Christians will be forced to respond to, whether it be towards the unbeliever or believer. And we must continue to love, encourage, edify, and correct one another with love and logsuffering without alienating one another. I find that extremely challenging to tell you the truth, but the fact of the matter is that God never called us to do easy things, nor does He call us to do things by ourselves. Let the scandalous love of God reign.

We are in the world, but not of it.

Christ is risen!

Pat R said...

i can't help thinking it's awesome that there has been such long lines all over... people taking a greater interest in public issues is always a good thing

Bill Harvelle said...
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