
A Personal Review on Predestination and Ephesians Ch. 1

It seems like all I do these days is discuss Calvinistic philosophy. I don’t wish to spend my life doing that. I want to get to know the Word of God in truth and purity. Not in debate. But an advantage of this is that it draws me closer to God by motivating me to study His Word. Furthermore, I learn from it, and I believe the Holy Spirit uses it to shape my Biblical philosophy. What follows is my understanding of Ephesians 1 and what it means when it says that we are predestined. This is my reasonable interpretation of God’s Word. I’m not a Bible expert. Lord, help me.

Ephesians 1:4-6
“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, 6To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”

This passage is often used in relation with other passages to support the concept of ‘unconditional election.’ As I understand this concept it means that God determines before a person is born whether or not that person will have eternal life. This is in contrast to the more Armenian view that a person is not pre-elected, but rather has a lifetime to choose to receive eternal life. In both cases eternal life is not earned by the person’s merit. It is earned by Christ our Lord through His life and sufferings.

In reference to the verse above the key as I presume is to understand what is meant by the word “us.” Here are the three ways that I believe that the word “us” can be interpreted. Afterwards will follow a type of exegesis which attempts to determine what is the best interpretation of the word “us” in context with this passage.
“Us,” can be understood as follows, though I do not believe that all of these interpretations are appropriate:

1) Us – Paul and the specific group of believers that he was writing to living at the time that he wrote Ephesians.
2) Us – Believers in general living during any period, though it includes Paul and those whom he was specifically directing this letter to
3) Us - People who have been pre-elected to become believers.

• Us cannot refer to unbelievers since Paul’s greeting directs the letter to the “saints living at Ephesus, and the faithful in Christ Jesus” v. 1

I believe that the first interpretation of the word “us” can be quickly eliminated based on two things. A) The letter is directed to the faithful in Christ Jesus. Though historically Paul was writing to the Ephesians, he addresses himself to all the faithful in Christ Jesus. There is no time limit in his address. All who are the faithful in Christ Jesus would benefit from his message. B) This letter being part of the inspired, canonized Word of God is meant for all Christians across the centuries, as is the rest of the Bible. Hence, the word “us” cannot mean just Paul and the specific people of the church he was writing to.

The last interpretation that “us” refers to only believers who have been pre-elected is the least obvious interpretation. In other words, a general reading of this letter would not immediately cause one to think this. Particularly because of verse 19, in which Paul himself defines who he means by the Word “us.” ---

Ephesians 1:19 “And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power,” – KJV

“And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength,” – Amplified

“I pray that you will begin to understand the incredible greatness of his power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power” – NLT

“and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength” - NIV

So who are the “us?” Those who believe. If you say that it’s those who have been pre-elected to believe then you are doing an eisegesis. You are imposing on the word a presumptive doctrine rather than letting the natural reading of the word define itself. Why is this so important?

Let’s go back to verses 4-6 and look at it under the understanding that the most natural interpretation is that “us” refers to those who believe. What then are these verses stating?

• That those who believe will be “holy and without blame with him in love.” V.4
o Keep in mind that you have to read the whole verse to get the complete idea. You can’t stop at “God has chosen [those who believe]..before the foundation of the world.” You have to complete the thought. He didn’t choose them for salvation, rather He chose them to be “holy and without blame.” In other words, it doesn’t say that He predestined who will become His children, but rather that He predestined those that become His children to be holy.
• He has predestined those who believe to be adopted as children by Jesus Christ to Himself. V.5
o Believers are adopted, but there is a future celebration of this adoption. As Paul states in Romans 8:23 “and not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.” So yes, those who believe are predestined to be adopted. Again the thought has to be completed. You can’t stop at “having predestinated us.” The thought has to be completed. What did He predestine believers to? Adoption. In other words, it doesn’t say that He predestined who will be adopted or who will believe, but rather that those that believe are promised the adoption…those that become believers are predestined to be adopted, whoever they may be. Furthermore, it is in His “good pleasure” that those who believe are adopted as children by Jesus Christ to Himself.
• He has made us who believe accepted, and it brings Him praise and glory. V. 6

Recap: A careful reading of Ephesians shows that the most ‘natural,’ least eisegetical, interpretation of Ephesians, taking entire verses in context reveals that the predestination is not of believers. God doesn’t predestine believers. God predestines believers to…something. God predestines believers to be holy. God predestines believers to be adopted. All who choose Christ of their own volition can be guaranteed that they will be holy and blameless before Him, and adopted because He has predestined all who believe to be so.

My Greek word research, and verse comparison was possible thanks to www.blueletterbible.org


dogfreid said...
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Remy said...

I don't see the correlation. But thanks anyways. I definitely think that reading into the book of Psalms as literally as this guy does is a bit dangerous. Not to say that there aren't any literal truths in Psalms, but we have to find a standard by which to determine what's literal and what's not. If we don't then at one point you're going to have to accept that the sun revolves around the earth and that the earth doesn't move (Psalm 93:1, 104:5, Psalm 19). This is just one little example. There are tons of similes and metaphors in the book of Psalms because it's a collection of songs and poetry. That I say 'God, You number my days before there is one of them' shows the infinite greatness of God and His overall sovereignty. I'm totally okay with God's sovereignty. Can we please stop using the lame argument that the reason some don't accept Calvinism is because they have a problem with God's sovereignty? It's getting old and it doesn't respond to any of true arguments against Calvinism. It is my understanding that in God's sovereignty He allows us to choose Him. That's the same problem the Jews were having in Romans 8. They wanted God to have pre-elected them because they were born Jews, and Paul says, no you are not pre-elected, it's those that have faith in the promise of Christ that are truly children of God. If I was convinced that God's Word says otherwise I wouldn't have a problem with it.

dogfreid said...
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dogfreid said...
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Remy said...

Points taken man. But you're right, I'm totally not bound to any previous scholarship. Thank God there were people like Martin Luther and John Calvin that who, like me, could care less about "scholars" and commentaries in comparison to how much they cared for the Word.

Furthermore, I didn't think that I needed to add that I'm not the only one who has had this 'epiphany.' There's nothing new under the sun. Here are some links to others who know much more than me that have come to the same conclusion:





And that's without citing any major Armenians.

About you leaving the site, that is sad. But I think I agree with your sentiments. I will be leaving as well. I love you bro. I guess sometimes we just have to disagree. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how that should play out in the real world while still maintaining our friendships. It's really harder than I thought, and it's stressing me out more than I expected it would. Part of me hates arguing with you guys. A big part of me.

dogfreid said...
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